【同义词辨析】 2017-07-03 原因cause-reason
cause: applies to any event, circumstance, or condition that brings about or helps bring about a result: an icy road was the ~ of the accident. (to bring about使发生,to bring something about means to cause it to happen,即与本组基础词cause互释,如the only way they can bring about political change is by putting pressure on the country要使该国进行政治变革,唯一的办法就是向其施压)
determinant: applies to a cause that fixes the nature of what results: heridity may be a ~ of heart disease.
antecedent: applies to what preceded and may therefore be in some degree responsible for what follows: the ~s of the faimne. (cede, ceed, cess三个词根表示一个含义: to go走)
reason: applies to a traceable or explainable cause of a known effect: the ~ I was late was that my car would not start. (effect效果结果是结果的基础词,和cause对应,同组的result和outcome是特殊的effect,参见2017-08-07结果)
occasion: applies to a particular time or situation at which underlying causes become effective: the assassination was the ~ of the war.
cause原因: 用于任何产生某结果的事件情况状态,determinant决定因素: 指决定结果性质的原因(fix使固定,这里译作决定),antecedent先行事件先行因素: 指之前发生并某种程度上对结果有影响的事件,reason理由原因: 指可以追溯解释的原因,occasion时间情况原因: 一般指时间或情况,在此时间里或情况下原因开始起效
记忆方法:1)首字母想成OD CAR车旧了<==维修的原因
2)原因的意思是产生结果的事物mean something that produces an effect or result.首字母想成OD CAR车旧了<==维修的原因